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I'm Missy, the face behind Honeybee. My given name is Melissa, which means Honeybee in Greek, so that's how the business got its name!


I've been married to Steve for 30+ years - does not seem possible. We met on a blind date in college - crazy! He's super supportive of this business and the muscle behind building all the flower beds, hauling all the things, keeping the truck running, etc.


We are empty nesters and have two awesome, grown kids, Sydney and Josh.  They've both played a part in the business too and are great encouragers.  In May of 2022 we joyfully added our son-in-law, Craig, to the family when he and Sydney were married.


My Grandma Lena started my love for flowers as a little girl. If you look closely at our logo you'll see a cursive L worked into the design to honor her. (Sydney designed our very first logo.) My Grandma and my Mom taught me everything I know about flowers.


I started this business in September 2020 after thinking about it for a while. I wondered if I could turn my hobby into a business. One day, with lots of encouragement from my daughter, I made public the social media accounts I'd started. I had to get brave and just do it! (Even though the perfectionist in me wasn't quite ready.)


Over time the business grew steadily and we added Rosalee, our 1967 Ford flower truck! She's so fun - we take her to farmers markets, pop ups and rent her out for photo shoots and events. The way we found such a perfect truck for our business is a whole other really cool story I'll share another time. But just know, it was all meant to BEE.


In the spring of 2021 our children's book, Lena's Zinnias, was published in memory of my Grandma Lena. I wrote it and Sydney illustrated it and she did a beautiful job! (God gave me the story and she made it come to life!)


I grow a lot of the flowers for the business - my husband built several growing areas in our yard for our micro flower farm. We grow some at my parent's house and we have a plot at our community garden. It's a lot of hot, sweaty, hard work, but I love it! There's just something about starting something from seed and then seeing it bloom into something beautiful months later.


I still can't believe all that God has done with this business so far. I think he knew this momma's empty nester heart needed a new baby.


I'm so blessed I get to do this!  Let me know how I can help you share some joy with flowers - it's one of my favorite things to do!

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© 2021 Honeybee Flower Boutique

Wildwood, MO 

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